01630 727996, 01672 315855

About Us

About Us

Silent Hands Support Society is non-profit organization registered in Bangladesh. It was established in June 2018. Registration number: Dha 09802. Silent Hands SupportSociety’s program is designed to assist people in need and to support underprivileged citizens of Bangladesh. We serve and support the old, orphans, homeless, disabled, poor, sick, and helpless people. We provide them with food, shelter, treatment, education, employment, and whatever else they need. Always with the people in need since 2018 till the date.

Our Vision

Silent Hands Support Society’s vision is to reach every single person who needs help, to reach every corner where poverty and scarcity exist. It wants to reach more and more people and continue serving the poor and unable population of the country.

Silent Hands Support Society wants to see a glorious Bangladesh with a 100% prosperous and privileged population. It envisions a Bangladesh where no one is captive in the custody of the ruthless situation of his/her own life. Where no family will ever go to bed hungry. Where nobody will be bagging.

Silent Hands Support Society’s aspiration may seem fictitious today, but it will soon meet its reality.

Our Mission

Silent Hands Support Society has a mission to eliminate the last bit of hunger, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and all other social problems in Bangladesh through its six core projects. Silent Hands Support Society is deeply thinking about the major issues of our country, like overpopulation, corruption, road accident, drug addiction, religious extremism, domestic violence, sexual harassment, early marriage and so forth and will soon be working on them. In short, Silent Hands Support Society’s main goal is to give the world an educated, developed, content, and happy Bangladesh.